In the clip from 'Cutting it' we see many different themes presented in the two main characters relationship, such as; closeness, secrets and complications. It is presented through sound, mise-en-scene, editing, and shot types.
In the first part of the clip, we see a cut in of the couple holding hands which shows off their wedding rings (props), so we instantly know their status, and also we can see they care for each other by holding hands. We see this closeness again shortly, this time through dialect. She mentions how she wants him to move on if something happened to her, and he replied stating that its not an option to love someone else. This obviously shows how strong his feelings are for her if he'd rather be single than not with her. At the end of the scene, when she has been hit by the car, he runs over to her and they lay together, which is similar to the way Romeo and Juliet laid together when Romeo finds Juliet dead. As we know, Romeo then goes onto kill himself so showing the couple impersonating the famous pair could indicate that he is going to struggle living without her, which is backed up by the previous point. With the shot looking down on them from above could be symbolising heaven looking down on them and admiring their last moment together. The final transition at the end of the scene is a fade to black, which could show how she lost her soul, or even how he lost his happiness.
Even though the couple did come across as having strong feelings for each other, there was a scene of uncertainty or complexity to the relationship. We see this mostly through dialect and sound. In the taxi, there is a mention of 'third time lucky' which implies that they have a history, and this is backed up when she apologises for doing something to him, and then saying she knows about Melisa. This means that they must have had an extremely complicated relationship full of possible affairs.
Following on from this, we see a lot of secretive behavior in the clip. For example, she goes to see the consultant without him even when he questions 'Why cant I come?' This means she keeps information from him as well as the audience as there is music playing when she is in the consultant's office. This means we are at the same understanding as him, especially at the end when he runs across the road to look after her, we hear his heartbeat more than anything else which helps build suspense. Also, the fact she goes to the office alone, shows that they are in different locations, and the inter cutting between the locations represents separation between the newly weds. Going back to the music, also makes the audience question the stability of the relationship. For example, when they are separate, we see him playing with his wedding ring and the music says 'and you are free' which is not what you would associate with a wedding day. This is followed by a close up of her crying at the news the consultant gave her which shows she is keeping something from her, its almost as if she is saying the lyrics to him, again, relating to the dialect spoken in the taxi where she says she wants him to move on, almost as if she was expecting bad news, even though she says to him that she's sure its good news and puts on a smile. Also, in the office, she nods along to what the consultant is informing her with, like she knew already and was has already come to terms with it.
In concision, through this clip, we see possible aspects of relationships but ones that rarely occur on a wedding day. We see this through mostly dialect, camera shots, and sound. However, mise-en-scene (represented as mostly props) and editing also play a role in presenting these themes.
Some concise observations and analysis. You seek deeper and alternative or symbolic meanings for each technical choice which is a great start: these can now be developed in more detail. Be careful with terminology eg. dialogue not dialect (dialogue = conversation between two or more people, dialect = regional language). When exploring to how another media text (eg film) knowingly references another, such as the link between a scene from Baz Luhrmann's Romeo & Juliet and this TV drama, this is called intertextuality. When referring to music or dialogue, ensure you refer to diegetic or non-diegetic sound. Consider camera movement as well as shot choice. You explore the audience experience well - to develop this, move to an exploration of how the director's technical choices create meaning for the audience.
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