The comedy Seven Psychopaths follows a struggling screenwriter ('Colin Farrell' ) who inadvertently becomes entangled in the Los Angeles criminal underworld after his oddball friends (Christopher Walken and Sam Rockwell) kidnap a gangster's (Woody Harrelson) beloved Shih Tzu.
Box office Success
The budget for this movie was an estimated $15,000,000 and it made $4,174,915 in the first weekend alone.
The Appeal to the Audience
The audience of this film may be familiar to the director, Martin Mcdonagh, as many of him films he writes himself and they all have similarities, including a certain type of humor The film also comes across quite mysterious based apon advertisement and trailers, so some may go veiw it to understand the movie.
Awards and Nominations
- Outstanding British Film
Independent Spirit Awards
- Best Screenplay - Martin McDonagh
- Best Supporting Male - Sam Rockwell
In total, the film has won 3 awards and has had 9 nominations
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